How to get your HSC results 2023 Today। kivabe hsc folafol
Tomorrow morning, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will receive a copy of the findings.
Education Minister Dipu Moni will formally unveil the findings later in the day at a news conference.
Results can be accessed by candidates via SMS or the internet.
Candidates must input HSC, the first three letters of the board name, their roll number, the year, and then send it to 16222 in order to receive the results under general boards via SMS.
An applicant with roll number ‘123456‘ who took this year’s examinations under the Dhaka board, for instance, would need to send the following SMS to 16222: HSC(space)Dha(space)123456(space)2023.
As an alternative, the applicants can also receive
They can download individual result sheets by entering roll and registration numbers.
Educational institutions can also download their results from by putting in the EIIN number of the institution.