Raavan 2024 movie
Operation Raavan, released on July 26, 2024, is a thriller film directed by Venkata Satya. The movie follows Anand Sriram (Rakshit Atluri), a rookie journalist who joins a TV news channel amidst an internal crisis. As Sriram delves deeper into a series of kidnappings, he uncovers a complex web of events and a mysterious psycho killer.
Plot Highlights
- The film explores the mystery behind the kidnappings and their true purpose, ultimately revealing the identity of the killer.
- Alongside Rakshit Atluri, the cast includes Radhika Sarathkumar, Sangeerthana Vipin, Rocket Raghava, and others.
- The movie received mixed reviews, with critics praising the performances but criticizing the execution and failure to deliver on its core premise as a whodunit thriller.
Rating and Reception
- Operation Raavan holds a rating of 1.5 out of 5, indicating a generally negative reception from critics.
- Reviews described the film as a “dull and tiring whodunit” that fails to deliver on its promise of exploring the psychology of a criminal mind.
Release Information
- The movie was released in theaters on July 26, 2024.
- A trailer was released on July 26, 2024, featuring the film’s cast and a glimpse into the plot.