Anupama 14th October 2023 Written Episode Update
Anupama 14th October 2023 Written Episode Update

Anupama 15th October 2023 Written Episode Update

Vanraj is asked by Toshu to stay put. Your concerns and anxieties are valid, according to Vanraj, but keep in mind that a family is not defined by its inability to unite as a unit and defend one another in times of need. He claims that if you return home today, no one in this family would have any faith in the others, and if something were to happen to any of us, no one would stand up for the others. According to Toshu, a death doesn’t cause a family to become stronger. Vanraj claims that your brother—and not someone else—is dead. Toshu urges him to return the case and requests that he stay still. Inquiring about the father-son team, Barkha informs Adhik and Pakhi that they are connected to the underworld and capable of anything. She informs them that Kavya was assaulted and implores them to consider themselves. She claims that although I am also protective and sentimental for my brother, it is at their sides. She states that this is more than a legal dispute and queries how you can confront them in public. Anuj, according to her, is a successful businessman. I’ll deliver the statement, Adhik says. Barkha estimates that the lawsuit will last 10 to 15 years and that they have a 99 percent probability of winning. She also estimates the number of assaults that will take place over that time. She encourages Pakhi to acknowledge their other relationships and to get Vanraj and Anupama to rethink their choices. Pakhi claims he was my sibling. She is urged by Barkha not to sever other connections.

Don’t object when Vanraj tells Toshu to remain inside and shut the door. I can’t back down, he continues, because Samar’s father will fight and fight. If I pass away during a battle, he commands that I don’t call the police or burn his remains on a bonfire. He claims that I am still young and that I will do all in my power to seek justice for my kid. Vanraj is informed by Kavya that she is with him. Even we are with you, according to Babu Ji and Dimpy.

Malti Devi arrives at the table for dinner. Where did Anuj’s anger for Malti Devi disappear? Barkha murmurs. Anuj enters and takes a seat for breakfast. Malti Devi is greeted by Choti Anu, who also inquires about her peace of mind. After several days, Malti finally agrees. Choti is instructed by Anupama to get ready for school. Anuj claims that because they will be providing statements to the police, they will drop Choti. Adhik is asked whether she wants to go independently or with him. Ankush claims to be another eyewitness. Adhik expresses his inability to come. Anupama queries why and requests a clear response. According to Pakhi, it has been determined that Adhik won’t speak to the police or become involved in this matter. Anupama exclaims “sweety” in disbelief. When Vanraj sees her, he applauds. He claims that Toshu and you have shown that even when a family member passes away, a blood connection that was once strong evaporates. What do you mean, Anupama queries? Vanraj claims that Toshu shared Pakhi’s reluctance to provide a statement.

Kinjal is informed by Kavya that Toshu was never morally upright or courageous, and she queries why you are not standing up for the truth. Did you not see that I was working? Kinjal inquires. I am seeing what you are not doing, claims Kavya. When I fell from the automobile, was I scared? She then informs me that Samar, a member of our family, has passed away. Should I not worry about my kid and us? Kinjal says. There is a distinction between family and a throng, according to Kavya, and we are a family. Kinjal said she does not wish to have a family of martyrs. She urges her to consider her unborn child. Kavya queries if I should beg V and Anupama to disregard the death of their kid. She is urged not to speak to Kinjal by him. According to Kavya, what would happen if anything happened to our children and if they decided to leave us? When Dimpy arrives, she begs Kavya not to explain everything to her. Kinjal informs Dimpy that everyone is aware of how she damaged Anupama’s goodwill. Kinjal is reminded by Kavya that Dimpy just lost her spouse. Did you consider us family, Kinjal wonders? Dimpy claims that because I didn’t consider you all to be family, it’s a good thing. Kavya urges Kinjal to watch out for her security, and they both agree to remain terrified while waging their own wars. Baa and Babu Ji get anxious.

Pakhi is informed by Anuj that Samar is her brother. She then accuses Pakhi of acting as if she murdered Samar while doing nothing to bring the true murderer to justice. They are urged not to be afraid of Ankush. Pakhi is asked to comprehend by Anuj. Malti Devi believes Anuj is beseeching Anupama’s daughter, but Anupama is not paying attention to him. Anuj is asked to leave by Vanraj, who then explains that one son was murdered with a gunshot, while the other two perished from fright. He continues, “Anupama, we lost a child today.” He claims that while you forgot your sibling, we will never forget about our son Samar. He assures Pakhi that if he perishes during this battle, my babu ji will handle lifting the corpse. She sobs, Anupama. Pakhi claims that they are courageous, but even if they aren’t, it doesn’t necessarily indicate that they are. Anupama asks how you would feel if your mother had been alarmed while that man was making fun of you. Pakhi considers me to be realistic. Anupama claims that when Samar used to defend you in battles with the whole campus, you didn’t think strategically. She begs her not to label her cowardice by such a name. She claims that battling the outside world and resisting difficulties is what it means to be practical. She calls this being a coward and being ignorant. Adhik being quiet while Pakhi speaks is, in Barkha’s opinion, a good thing. Anupama informs Pakhi that she finally had the opportunity to take care of Samar. When their own daughter withdraws, she informs Adhik that we can’t expect much from the son-in-law. Pakhi challenges, “Did we stop you?” Anupama is informed by Vanraj that this is a fact of life; parents should support their kids throughout their lives, but they don’t. He calls Anupama over and declares that we will fight. Anuj observes.

Vanraj and Anupama visit the PS. Where are Anuj, Toshu, and Adhik? wonders the inspector. Toshu and Adhik have backed off, according to Vanraj. They should stop when the inspector confirms they are your true son and son-in-law. Vanraj claims he is now the lone eyewitness. Anuj arrives and says he will also provide the statement. Malti Devi is cooking when Barkha enters the kitchen and reminds her that she is a visitor. Malti Devi claims that she is a mother, not a visitor. For abandoning Anuj at the orphanage, Barkha teases her. She claims that Anuj and Anupama are shocked that you are here. Malti Devi explains that this is why they require her more and asks, “Why do you have a problem when Anupama doesn’t?” She reveals that this is the first time she is producing anything for her kid. I won’t let Barkha acquire the Kapadia empire, as she believes she wants it.

Anuj makes the declaration and then signs. If they don’t back down like Paritosh and Adhik, the inspector asks, the conflict will last a long time. They all respond negatively and promise to fight. They will fight till their last breath, according to Anuj. Anuj, Vanraj, and Anupama return to the PS. Anuj is questioned by Babu Ji about visiting the PS. Yes, says Anuj. Water is offered to Vanraj and Anupama by Baa. She leaves the glass on the table without asking Anuj first. Anuj receives water from Dimpy, who also explains that she spoke to him extensively that day before realising it was not his fault. She claims that we are upset over not stopping Samar. She begs him not to feel bad since it was not his fault. Anupama breaks down in tears. She receives water from Babu Ji. She drank water after watching Anuj do so. Anuj reports that the inspector promised to completely assist us and that they had completed their testimony. Vanraj assures Dimpy that Samar will get justice. Dimpy thanks them and reminds Anuj that although he has a family, he is not worried. Toshu claims that Samar died as a result of him, that he is fantastic, and that we have no regard for our family. According to Anuj, if you had considered your family, you would have visited PS and wouldn’t have left your parents home alone. He is urged not to meddle in their family’s affairs by Toshu.

Anupama asks whose family, whose eldest son and daughter-in-law were back off, and whose daughter and son-in-law were so terrified that they didn’t come out. She informs you that Anuj is battling for Samar’s justice while you are hiding at home, terrified. She adds that after facing so much hate, wrath, and humiliation, he is fighting for Samar, as there is truth and strength in him. Toshu claims he’s behaving in this way to earn your forgiveness. Vanraj begs him to stop talking. Even you, Papa, are backing him, Toshu adds. Vanraj says I agree that maybe this wouldn’t have happened and maybe Samar would still be alive today if Anuj hadn’t started the fight. He believes I may not have been able to forgive Anuj, but I’m suggesting maybe… He claims that there is no possibility that Anuj was present in the PS today with my son and daughter. He claims that when my family declined to provide a statement to the police, they were asking for evidence from where to bring them and wondering whether my kid would return if I accused him. I see my kid in a pool of blood, he claims, when I shut my eyes. He claims that I feel powerless and that I won’t be able to live quietly if I can’t get justice for him. He is urged to cool down by Anupama. Vanraj claims that I was unable to rescue my kid or defend my family. He claims that while I don’t think I’m a horrible parent, I would be if I wasn’t able to get justice for my kid. He begs Kanha ji not to render any fathers powerless, lest they break like him and perish in their helplessness by the score. His breathing becomes laboured, and Samar’s demise appears before his eyes all of a sudden. He collapses and passes out. Everybody is in awe.

Vanraj promises to destroy Suresh Rathode’s life and the planet. Vanraj is asked to return the case by Suresh. Vanraj snatches his neck in a rage. As someone captures the situation, Suresh cries out for assistance while grinning. Vanraj is being forced to leave by Anupama.


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