Better Call Saul Season 6 Episode 4 Review
In the world of Better Call Saul, you can in no way be exactly sure about the humans you call your neighbors. The county treasurer with the idyllic family? He’s embezzling millions. The owner of the nearby chicken chain? He’s a drug kingpin. The sickly high faculty chemistry teacher? He’s cooking meth. Even the parking attendant that takes your ticket may secretly be a one-man wrecking crew for a local crook outfit. No one is who they appear to be.
Except for Jimmy, or need to we say, Saul Goodman. With his loud suits, garish commercials, and schmoozy demeanor, Saul advertises to the world exactly who he is and to which audience he is catering. I mean, it’s proper there in the name. Thus far, he’s been able to be honest about the offerings that he offers and his target purchasers without alienating the people that he interacts with on a day by day basis. However, perhaps some discretion would have been helpful. Word has gotten out that Jimmy has provided felony services to Lalo Salamanca, and while that’s excellent for an uptick in business, it has made him persona non grata at the courthouse. By hustling out in the open, Jimmy has alienated himself from “respectable” society, but at least Kim’s still with the aid of his side.
Kim is also better at hiding in simple sight than Jimmy. Notice it in the way she’s able to shield her actual intentions when conning Cliff Main, but it’s also there in her interactions with Jimmy. After believing she’s being tailed by means of the police and confronting those watching her (was that Anthony Carrigan?! If so, we’re pretending this is a Barry crossover), Kim eventually comes face to face with Mike. Mike explains that she and Jimmy are being watched because Lalo is still out there and there’s a “chance” that he may want to get in touch.

It’s unsettling records and Mike delivers it to Kim because she’s “made of sterner stuff,” than Jimmy. The stumble upon clearly shakes Kim; she’s already uneasy about Jimmy’s connection to Lalo, but she’s in a position to push the creeping anxiety aside to inform Jimmy what he wants to hear about a potential workplace space, then go grab some tacos. Now with seemingly all of us else in Albuquerque, Kim’s got a secret.
After last week’s explosive, immediate classic-episode, “Hit and Run” seems like an installment designed for us to catch our breath. Like Gus and Mike, we’re mainly just waiting on Lalo to rear his head. Jimmy continues his effort to soil Howard Hamlin’s reputation, this time taking Howard’s automobile while he attends a therapy session, then the usage of it to pick up the prostitute Wendy so he can stage a dramatic scene in front of the place Kim and Cliff are having coffee.