www dpe.gov.bd Update News Today Class 5 Scholarship Result 2023.Primary Scholarship Result 2022 Has been Postponed by www.dpe.gov.bd Result 2023 pdf
But, as of right now, the results of this test have been postponed and will be presented later with updated news. The scholarship examination 2022 results were approved through the Department of Primary Education, and they were published today at noon. We will thus advise those of you who have visited our website in order to learn the latest information regarding the exam results that you will learn about the latest information regarding this exam at a later time and that you should continue to read our website’s posts until then.
Primary Scholarship Exam Result 2023 Cancel Update News
Moreover, if we can tell you the rules that you have to follow to see the preliminary scholarship results, then it will be good for many and you can understand whether the student has received the merit scholarship or the talent scholarship by looking at your own results.
The Ministry of Primary Education has provided information on the date of release of these test results. The results of this exam, which was administered on December 30th, have finally been made public. Consequently, with the release of the test results, about 33 000 students nationwide have been awarded merit scholarships, and approximately 49 000 students have been awarded general grade scholarships.

Class 5 Scholarship Exam Result Release New Date
Although the results of this examination of the Department of Primary Education have been announced long ago, many students have come to know that they have received the general scholarship or the talent pool scholarship. So after the publication of this result we have made arrangements so that you can visit the website or download it from our website in PDF format and check the roll number in the scholarship result.
As we have been providing this scholarship information for your convenience, when the exam will be conducted and how many marks will be taken on which subject, and finally, because the exam date is announced, complete the exam on your specified date.
DPE.gov.bd Result 2023 Published Date for Class 5
After the exam is over many are waiting for the results but the authorities take some more time to evaluate the answer sheets. Because to prepare the result of this examination, every student has to evaluate the answers of the written questions correctly and give the marks and in this case maximum efforts have been made so that no student is deprived of them and everyone can proceed to get the scholarship.
But even though the result of the scholarship exam has been released, suddenly today evening through independent news we come to know that the result of this exam has been postponed and the result of the exam will be released again later.
Many are now wondering whether those who have received the scholarship will actually be re-nominated for subsequent increments or will be delisted from their scholarship. Considering that I have tried to inform you of the updated news through this post today and later if any update comes to you through the Directorate of Primary Education then we will surely inform you through notice and you will understand it. Well done to visit to know every information regarding scholarship exam result 2022 through today’s post and stay with us to get updates of every information. Hope we can always help you with correct information.