Live Update – Load shedding schedule uttara 2022.DESCO Load shedding Schedule 2022 – for Gulshan and Uttara Area
ঢাকা বিদ্যুৎ বিতরণ কোম্পানি লিমিটেড (ডেসকো) আগামীকাল মঙ্গলবার (১৯ জুলাই) থেকে তাদের আওতাধীন রাজধানীর যেসব এলাকায় এক ঘণ্টাব্যাপী লোডশেডিং করা হবে, সেসব এলাকার নাম ঘোষণা করেছে।
Clearer and Direct Link for downloading chart of loadshedding schedule of DESCO:
লোড বরাদ্দ প্রাপ্তির ভিত্তিতে আরোপিত লোড শেডিং কম/বেশী হতে পারে বিধায় হালনাগাদর তথ্য জানার জন্য সময়ে সময়ে ডিপিডিসি’র ওয়েবসাইট ভিজিট করার জন্য অনুরোধ করা হল।
DPDC Load Shedding Schedule
Dhaka Power Distribution Company Limited or DPDC is responsible for supplying electricity in Dhaka city. The authorities have already published the possible DPDC Load Shedding Schedule for the city residents. At present, there are thirty six areas under DPDC and the possible DPDC Load Shedding Schedule 2022 has been published
DPDC Load Shedding Schedule PDF Download
DESCO Load Shedding Schedule
Dhaka Electric Supply Company Limited has also unearthed the possible DESCO Load Shedding Schedule for its consumers on 11 KV feeders. The full Schedule of the Load Shedding in Bangladesh has been released to the DESCO official website. Therefore, it is not a distant incident but the fixed one as Load Shedding Schedule bd is for every region.
DESCO Load Shedding Schedule PDF Download
NESCO Load Shedding Schedule
The Northern Electricity Supply Company Ltd. has also revealed the NESCO Load Shedding Schedule for the people who are living in Rajshahi and Rangpur region. Since Load Shedding is a must for each of the single areas in the country, one cannot but accept this. However, people can ease their problem due to the Load Shedding if they know the proper Schedule for their regions as provided by the NESCO officials.
DESCO Load Shedding Schedule PDF Download
এলাকাগুলির তালিকা ও লোডশেডিংয়ের সময়সূচি নিচে দেওয়া হলো:
(DESCO Area Load Shedding Chart is Provided Below)