“New day Tatiana Zappardino wikipedia “New day usa girl pictures

“New day Tatiana Zappardino wikipedia “New day usa girl pictures

“New day Tatiana Zappardino wikipedia ” usa girl pictures”New day Tatiana” usa girl pictures new day tatiana.Tatiana Zapardino was once born on October 2, 1989 in San Diego, California, USA. She is a writer, director and actress.

His nationality is American and his nationality is white. She is a Christian by using faith and his zodiac signal is Libra. She studied at Kent State University and Liberty University. Zapardino attended Jacksonville University the place she earned a bachelor’s diploma in quality arts. Her household small print are presently unavailable. She presently resides in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

“New day Tatiana Zappardino wikipedia “New day usa girl pictures

Tatiana Zapardino is the main spokesperson for USA Veteran Home Loan. She started an all-female sketch team in the Atlanta area that focused on bringing light to female comics called Fine China Comedy. Fine China has made their first pilot named Swiped which is currently on the festival circuit. Tune in to Bio and explore more about Tatiana Zapardino’s wiki, bio, age, height, weight, boyfriend, body measurements, net worth, family, career and much more

Tatiana Zappardino Biography

“New day Tatiana Zappardino wikipedia “New day usa girl pictures

Tatiana Zapardino is a popular model, producer, actress, TV presenter and chief presenter for New Day US. She serves as the chief representative of the New Day USA Veteran Home Loan. In addition to these works, she regularly appeared on TV shows as a skilled actress, entertainer, free from prejudice and conscious development. The talented actress was born on October 2, 1989 in California. So far, various information about the parents of this popular actress has been published in the media. But she is of American descent and descent. She also said that there is no information about him on the online platform.

Tatiana Zappardino Early Life

“New day Tatiana Zappardino wikipedia “New day usa girl pictures

Tatiana Zapardino was born on October 2, 1989, in San Diego, CA, where she earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theater Arts at Jacksonville University in Florida. While at Jacksonville University, he engaged himself in social activities, such as naval reserve officer training. She also went to Liberty University in 2014 where he continued his studies in legal ethics

Tatiana Zappardino Education Qualification

“New day Tatiana Zappardino wikipedia “New day usa girl pictures

Tatiana did her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theater Arts at Jacksonville University in Florida. She also went to Liberty University in 2014 where she continued his studies in legal ethics. She earned her Masters of Arts degree in communication, journalism and related programs from Kent State University, which she pursued from 2013 to 2016

SchoolUpdate Soon
CollegeJacksonville University

Tatiana Zappardino Wiki & Bio

“New day Tatiana Zappardino wikipedia “New day usa girl pictures

Tatiana Zappardino Wiki & Bio

Tatiana ZappardinoWiki/Bio
Real NameTatiana Zappardino
Famous AsSpokesperson for NewDay
USA Veteran Home Loans
Age40-years old
BirthplaceUnited States
Zodiac SignCapricorn
6.5 (US)
Net Worth$3 million

Tatiana Zappardino Family, Parents, Siblings

Zapardino was born and raised in San Diego, California, USA by his parents. Our efforts to find out more about his family have been in vain as no such information is publicly available. Thus, the identity of his parents is still unclear. It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. We will update this section once this information is available.

Tatiana Zappardino Age, Height, Weight & Body Measurements

Zapardino currently 32 years old. She stands at a height of 5 feet 7 inches and weighs around 62kg (137 lbs). She is a beautiful woman with brown hair and hazel eyes. Her shoe size is 7(US). Her body measurements are 34- 25- 35 inches.

Heightin feet inches – 5’ 7” – in Centimeters – 170 cm
Weightin Kilograms – 62 kg  –  in Pounds –  137 lbs
Shoe Size7 (U.S.)
Hair ColorDark Brown
Eye ColorHazel
Body Type34-24-35 inches

Tatiana Zappardino Acting & Modeling Career

Tatiana started his career while starting work and gaining some volunteer experience. For this purpose, she was appointed assistant director of Debbie’s Angels Productions. She held the post from May 2013 to July 2014. While being an assistant director, she trained young actors aged 8-18. Her work included warm-up exercises, vocal exercises, and stage technique training. Early in his professional career, she also hosted a trade show. The work involved hosting at least 10 events per day. For the job, she had to travel across greater New York and the New Jersey area. Her work has been associated with the collaboration and coordination of BJ’s, Costco, and Sam’s Holesale Stores.

From September 2013 to January 2015, she was appointed executive officer for the head office and service organization. From August 2011 to date, she has held the position of Public Affairs Officer. Despite these positions, she is also known as an eminent actress, the role she played while working in the community theater. She has also worked with US JESCO International Limited. She has also acted in a number of television shows and films, including plays in community theaters

Tatiana Zappardino Professional Career Info

Zapardino started her career when he started working and gained several volunteer experiences. To that end, she was hired as assistant director of Debbie’s Angels Productions. She followed the place from May 2013 to July 2014. As an assistant director, she taught young actors aged 8-18. Her work was related to thermal workouts, vocal exercises and training in stage techniques. At first she was the current host of an industrial trade in addition to his skilled profession. The work was related to the internet hosting of more than 10 exhibitions per day. For work, she had to travel to better areas of New York and New Jersey. Her work was related to the collaboration and coordination of BJ’s, Costco, and Sam’s wholesale stores.

Tatiana Zappardino Personal Life

Tatiana gave no clue about her personal life. She is considered unmarried and lives with her mother and father. However, he did not give any information about the life of his mother and father. She seems to have tight lips regarding her family details. For the second we assume she is not married. In addition, he has not been involved in any scandals or controversies so far. Tatiana has not given any clue regarding her personal life. She is assumed to be single and is spending her life with her parents.

Marital StatusSingle
Who is her boyfriend?None

Tatiana Zappardino Husband & Children

Is Married Tatiana Zappardino? At the moment he is unmarried. A wide circle of friends and his social media network is much larger. She has some very close friendships and relationships. She has a strong sense of religious belief. Zapardino is very interested in travel and is interested in current trends, musical styles and actors.

Tatiana Zappardino Net Worth, Salary & Income

Mrs. Tatiana Zapardino has played several roles in her life. He is a wonderful person who has set an excellent example of being an ideal person despite having a busy schedule. She is an actress, a profile holder for the American Marine Corps, and a director and a personality who has spent many years of her life in nearby theaters. It simply came to our notice then.

Although he has not publicly announced the value of his internet, we estimate his value to be around $3 million. It has no Wikipedia in its title but has an official IMBd web page on the net. Many sources have revealed that she is currently living in Atlanta, GA, where she spends most of his time with indie cinema, screenwriting and sketch comedy

Tatiana Zappardino Earnings & Endorsement

Tatiana Zapardino is a successful actress, producer, second lieutenant and chief representative of New Day USA. He was born on October 2, 1989 in California. She has caught the attention of many people in the world, including the Middle East, by playing an important role in a TV series. Tatiana Zapardino owns an estimated total assets of $ 100,000. She also has a source of income as a director and writer.

Tatiana total wealth is estimated at between $ 1 million and $ 5 million. This includes his wealth, money and income. Her career as an actress, director, producer is her main source of income. Through various sources of his income, she has been able to accumulate good fortune but prefers to lead a modest life


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